Safir Ardehal

Saeed Asadifard

Safir Ardehal

Colonel Saeed Asadifar was born in Salmas village in 1958. He completed his elementary and secondary education in the city of Urmia, then entered the Officer University. After graduating in military science, he entered the army, and went to the battlefields at the beginning of the imposed war. He was captured in Karbala hostilities while wounded and unconscious. After his release from captivity, he began his artistic career.In the Kurdish overseas unit, IRIB (Islamic Republic of Iran .Broadcasting) was writing radio plays. He wrote more than 200 30-minute radio plays that lay on the antenna, and propagated the radio. On the front, the war, and historical, social, and literary issues, he has created valuable works, including the following books: One Day Out of Those Days, The Arduous Moments, The Last

Call, From the Earth to the Heaven, Bloody Flight, An Agora of Lovers, A Castle of Death, From Shalomacha to Natanz, Periods of Closed Doors, Bloody Cliffs of Gharaviz and Geryaneh (Book of the Year).

Saeed Asadifar has received numerous awards and honorary diplomas from cultural organizations so far. The books such as Sabalan Eagle, Orient Sun, Khorasan Tigers, The Last Look, From Aras to Arvand, and Brilliant Sun, are the canons of this writer that will be published soon by the Iranian Font Society and the Conquerors Publication. The Book of The Land of Kermanjs, is the result of five years of effort and research by the author in Iran and neighboring countries on the customs, historical, racial, and historical background, a geography of Kurdish areas, the Kurdish celebrities and scholars, and the Kurdish religious and national movement with authentic historical documentation.